Thursday, May 3, 2007


ok so i no i havent posted in a while but i have benn bust its hard work being a teenager you have a soical life to you no and pulse you have to try and keep on top of your grades weell now thats is a hard one lol i hav been trying to get bs in science and soicals and omg what a job thats it and i hate both of those classes but still i have to try. well so ya there is like nothening exiting in my life right now realy its boreing omg i guessed rmemberd somthing ok so all of you who dont no i go to the christan school and omg we have chaple right and we get diffrent people to come and preach and stufff and OMG GUESS WHO CAME????????? HEATHER CLARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg its was s amazing i was like totaly amsazied and she was so good she sang and than preached and wow i love her than after we went and taalk to her and omg im still amazied i cant belive i for got that lol well i have to go to sleep now but i bet your all going to come to chaple now arent you i can see the sadness that you dident get to meet her in your eyes

weell i love you all


-Laur- said...

why is it called "lauren"
just to bug meee?? you're mean.

Mark said...


Tennille said...